Sunday, November 28, 2010

Newborns hate running...

on 11.4.10 I became a dad. 
Also, that day I stopped sleeping.. so the past 3+ weeks of training haven't gone "awesome".  
(Bob, I don't know how the hell you're able to do what you do, with C&C.. )

nothing better after a 17 miler than this..

I've been able to keep my mileage around 40-45mpw, and getting in at least one run of 13+, so I'm pretty pumped on that.  The more I figure this father thing out, the easier it will be to get miles in, as I've got about 2 weeks left of base mileage until I start ramping up for Boston.

With Thanksgiving comes those "Turkey Trot" races, and yes.. I got sucked into one.  I decided to hit up the Portland 4-miler because the field is faster, the course is better, and basically I went to Gardiner, so screw Cony!  Having not done a step of speed-work since September, and no quality runs in about a month I wasn't expecting to run well at all.  Somehow I was able to keep sub 6min/miles at a surprisingly easy effort though, and although I slowed a bit towards the end, still finished in a respectable 24:01. 

So, a PR is a PR, even if it's a slow one.